Winter is right around the corner here in the Camas and Washougal, Washington area. Before long, frosty weather will greet us every morning. Due to the colder weather, the need for mowing and weeding has slowed, but there are still plenty of things that should be getting done around your house and yard.
Dethatching is the simple process of removing built-up debris (also known as thatch) from your yard. The process involves using a thatching rake or power-rake to pull up this debris. Once the thatch has been lifted from the yard, it will need to be raked into piles and removed. Since thatch is one of the most common causes of an unhealthy lawn, this process should be performed at least once a year.
Aerating is another way to stimulate the growth of a healthy lawn. It is a process whereby a tool or machine is used to pull tiny plugs from your lawn. These perforations allow air, light, and moisture to reach further into the depths of your lawn. Aerating is often done in combination with dethatching for the best results.
Winter is also a great time to consider adding mulch to your flower beds. Most people know that mulching keeps the weeds at bay, but it also helps insulate desirable plants and protect them from frost as well. Urban Eden has access to a variety of different mulches, varying in size, shape, and color. We can help you find the best mulch to meet all of your needs.
Leaf Removal
It is about this time that the last of the leaves have fallen from the trees. So, if you have not already, now is a great time to finish raking and removing the leaves from your landscape areas. Leaves left to sit out in the elements will become saturated and will freeze in hard clumps, making them nearly impossible to remove without a good deal of effort. Furthermore, leaves left piled in your lawn will create dead, patchy spots, which can be rather unsightly.
Trimming and Pruning
The cold temperatures of winter cause a lot of trees and shrubs to go dormant. During the dormant period is the best time to prune and trim these types of plants, avoiding the shock that may occur during the growing season of spring and summer. Trimming and pruning during the winter months also ensures that the plants will grow healthily throughout warmer months.
Keeping up with your landscape can seem a daunting task, especially when the weather is rainy, and temperatures are low. Urban Eden works year-round keeping up with the needs of your lawn, so you don’t have to. We also provide our clients with free estimates to ensure that they stay within their budget. If you would like assistance with maintaining or improving your yard, contact us today, call us at (360)567-6399, or simply fill out a free estimate request form online. Stay warm this winter season and let Urban Eden Landscaping take care of your yard!