Summer is upon us here in the Camas, Washougal, and Vancouver, Washington area. With summer comes warmer weather and beautiful plant growth, but it also brings other landscaping tasks that are often overlooked. Here we will discuss a few tips for landscaping tasks to focus on over the summer.
Lawns and plants, much like all living things, need certain nutrients in order to remain healthy and happy. Nutrients, such as nitrogen, potassium, and phosphorous are essential to all plant life, though different plants require different levels of each. Research is needed in order to determine the appropriate fertilizer for different plants and lawns, so keep this in mind when purchasing and applying fertilizer.
Much like fertilizing, different plants have different needs in regard to watering. However, there is a common misconception about watering, which is watering too often and too shallowly. If (most) plants are watered frequently, but only with a small amount of water, their roots have a tendency to grow upward instead of deeper into the ground, which can adversely affect their health. Watering less frequently but for longer periods of time will encourage plants to grow deep roots and the health of a plant starts at the root.
Another misconception about watering is that it should be performed during mid-day when the temperature is the hottest. However, when watering in the heat, the bulk of the water evaporates quickly and does not penetrate deeply into the soil. The best time to water is either first thing in the morning, before the heat starts, or in the evening when the heat has died back down. However, we would encourage people to water first thing in the morning; this allows any excess water to evaporate throughout the day. Watering in the evening doesn’t allow this evaporation of excess water, which can (but does not always) lead to fungal growth.
Dethatching and Aerating
Is your yard still looking unhealthy even though you have fertilized and watered properly? Then it may be time to dethatch and aerate your lawn.
Dethatching is the process of removing built-up debris (thatch) from your lawn. Removing this debris allows your lawn to receive adequate sunlight, nutrients, and moisture.
Aerating is the process of punching small holes throughout your lawn. These holes help ease the compaction that occurs in lawns; compaction can greatly affect the health of your lawn. Furthermore, aerating allows vital nutrients, sunlight, and moisture to more deeply penetrate the roots of your lawn and a healthy lawn starts at the roots.
Weeds and Mulching
Weeding can be laborious and cumbersome; however, it is essential when dealing with unwanted or undesirable plants. Weeds often steal precious resources from desirable plants, so it is important to not only remove these undesirable plants but also fight against their regrowth.
One organic way of fighting off the regrowth of weeds is to apply mulch. Mulch helps to slow the germination process of weed seeds while protecting your desirable plants from extreme heat or cold.
Most of us prefer a nicely mowed lawn; it helps your property look well-cared for and manicured. However, it is important to remember that mowing too short can adversely affect your lawn as well. Mowing your lawn too short, especially during the summer months, can actually damage the grass and cause disease. The best length for your grass will depend on the type of grass you currently have, so researching different types of grass is essential.
Ensuring your lawns and gardens are well manicured, happy, and healthy is a tiresome job that requires an abundance of time and attention to detail. If you would like assistance in any of these tasks or more, give Urban Eden Landscaping a call today at (360)567-6399, contact us here, or fill out our FREE estimate request form online.