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Bed Cleanup

Posted on by Urban Eden Landscaping

With spring upon us here in Vancouver, Camas, and Washougal, Washington, everything is beginning to grow and green up. With the warmer weather, flowers are beginning to bloom, trees are forming their new growth, and, for many of us, it is a beautiful and welcomed sight to behold. To ensure that plants on your property flourish and look as glorious as they can, it’s important to consider proper garden and flower bed care, which starts with a proper bed cleanup.

Step 1: Remove Debris

The first step in any successful bed cleanup is to remove all debris. Debris can consist of a variety of things including fallen leaves, twigs, branches, and trash as well as the dead-growth from the past years’ plants. Start by removing any larger branches by hand. Follow this up by raking all of the smaller materials, like leaves and twigs, into piles. Remove this raked debris from the area and haul it to a recycling center or compost it on sight.

Step 2: Weed Removal

After all of the debris has been removed from the area, there will, more than likely, be undesirable plants growing (aka weeds). Urban Eden Landscaping strives to be as organic as possible when removing weeds. So, for this step, we recommend you remove these weeds by hand or with a specialized tool. Once all of the weeds have been pulled from the ground, rake the area again and form piles, similar to step 1. Once again, this material can be taken to a recycling center or composted.

Step 3: Planting

This next step will depend on what you are choosing to do with the area. If you have decided to replant this area with flowers, bushes, or even fruits or vegetables, then now is the time to plant. Decide on the spacing for each plant that you are putting into the ground before digging any holes; this will save you time and hassle if you decide to redesign the area. Once you have a layout that is to your liking, dig the appropriately sized holes for each plant, place the plant in the hole, then backfill. Another optional step would be, before planting, to amend the soil with a trusted compost soil mixture, which will help build healthy soil and ensure successful planting.

Step 4: Mulching

The fourth and final step for any well-rounded bed overall, is to apply mulch to the area. This will not only beautify the area, but it will also help to protect your newly installed plants. Mulch has numerous benefits other than just insulating plants; it helps to retain moisture, combat soil erosion, as well as help to build soil. Mulch comes in an inorganic or organic form with a plethora of sizes, shapes, and colors to meet most anyone’s taste and preference.

Urban Eden Landscaping has many years of experience in the landscape industry and would be overjoyed to help get your lawn and garden beds looking their best. If you would like a FREE estimate, then do not hesitate to contact us today!



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